In 1960 MGM produced a television series modeled after the 
                                                      movie "National Velvet", which starred Elizabeth Taylor. Lori
                                                      Martin took over the role of Velvet Brown, a 12 yr old girl who's 
                                                      only dream was to enter her horse in the Grand National
                                                      Blaze King, a 3 yr. old colt, who played the horse in the TV series, 
                                                      was bought especially for the show, unlike the movie horse played by 
                                                      King Charles who's grandsire was the champion racehorse Man O'
                                                      War. King was trained especially for the show by Kenny Lee.
                                                      After the show's end, King and his double Chief, were sold to Frisch's 
                                                      Big Boy, and lived on a farm that Frisch ran for underprivileged children.






                                              Lori on the set




























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